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A look back at the diaconal ordinations of the Province Africa
In thanksgiving for brothers Antoine de Padoue TOURÉ (Ivory Coast) and Paul-Clément DJON BISSES (Cameroon) who were ordained deacons on 29 June.
Read MoreBrother Marie-Alexandre’s thesis in patristics
Brother Marie-Alexandre - from the Rimont theology studium - defended his thesis on 3 May 2024 at the Catholic University of Paris.
Read MoreOur charism
Following John the Apostle, we live together as friends of Christ and witness to His light and love.
Serving the Church
“As the Father Sent Me, So Am I Sending You.” Jn 20:21
Local bishops often call upon the Brothers to look after parishes…
The Brothers desire to serve people who are searching for meaning…
The family constitutes the first ‘ecosystem’ in which a person grows…
Prevention and fight against abuse
What progress have the Brothers of Saint John made in the prevention and fight against abuse?
A look back at the diaconal ordinations of the Province Africa
In thanksgiving for brothers Antoine de Padoue TOURÉ (Ivory Coast) and Paul-Clément DJON BISSES (Cameroon) who were ordained deacons on 29 June.
Ordinations in the Province Africa
The Brothers of Saint John are pleased to inform you of the diaconal and priestly ordinations for the Province of Africa.
Diaconal ordinations in the Province of Europe
The Brothers of Saint John are pleased to announce the ordination to the diaconate of Brothers Yakob and Elijas.
The Brothers of Saint John around the world