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Professions and Receptions of habit in the Province Africa

Published on May 14, 2024

Professions and taking of the habit - Province Africa.

Receptions of habit

Bruno OBAKOU (Togo)
Paul KPOBiÉ (Togo)
Roger AWADE (Togo)

Friday 31 May 2024 at the Noviciat Notre-Dame de la Providence in Lumen Valley (Togo).

Professions simples

Brother François-Xavier CAZALI, Prior General; Brother CÎme-Emmanuel CODJIA, Prior of the Province Africa, the Brothers of Saint-Jean and the families of the brothers are pleased to inform you of the Simple Profession of the following brothers

Matthieu HONYIGLO KOFFI (Togo)
Vianney KENGA’A KEUNANG (Cameroun)

Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 1 June 2024 at 10am at the Noviciat Notre-Dame de la Providence in Lumen Valley (Togo).

Perpetual Professions

Brother François-Xavier CAZALI, Prior General; Brother CÎme-Emmanuel CODJIA, Prior of the Province Africa, the Brothers of Saint-Jean and the families of the brothers are pleased to inform you of the Perpetual Profession of the following brothers

Jean-François OYIE (Cameroun)
Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 22 June 2024 at 10.30am at the Prieuré Notre-Dame des Grùces in Kendoumayah (Guinea).

Élie-Marie SERI (Cîte d’Ivoire)
Jean-Pio N’GUESSAN (Cîte d’Ivoire)
Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 30 June 2024 at 9.30am at the University Parish of Saint Jean ApÎtre in Lomé (Togo).

``I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep``. Jn 10:11