Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
PROVINCE OF EUROPE Découvrir la Province Europe Autriche Marchegg Belgique Banneux Italie Rome Lituanie Vilnus Pays-Bas La Haye Utrecht Angleterre Londres Roumanie Bucarest Suisse Genève
PROVINCE AFRIQUE Découvrir la Province Afrique Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Cameroun Simbock Yaoundé Éthiopie Addis-Abeba Guinée Coyah Sénégal Poponguine Togo Kara Lomé


An important component of our life is to accompany young people, helping them to live as disciples and witnesses of Christ. We therefore offer a number of youth initiatives that are aimed at helping young people develop their prayer life, deepening their understanding of the faith and experiencing the joy of fraternal charity. In our priories and parishes there is always the possibility of joining a youth group, participating in some form of charitable service, attending a summer/winter camp or going to World Youth Day, etc.

Welcome to the Brothers of St John Website (Mark 2)! Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are very welcome!


Our Schools of Life – France, Ethiopia, Philippines
Saint John Institute - USA
Institute of Saint John in Yaoundé – Cameroon: formation equivalent to French University Status
Festival of Saint John – France: five days of open air festivities for 16-30 year olds