Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
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Who we are

Our charism

Our charism takes its inspiration from the figure and writings of the disciple Saint John. It is summed up in the following words : Like the apostle John, living together as friends of Christ and witnessing to his light and his love. […]

Our life

We live in small communities, called priories, made up of 5 to 10 brothers. We lead a religious life according to the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Our life involves 4 essential dimensions: prayer, community life, study and apostolic activity.

Our history

History of the Brothers of Saint John

The Congregation of Saint John is an apostolic religious institute founded in 1975, the day of the promulgation of Evangelii Nuntiandi. The first priory of the community was founded in Cotignac in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, at the request of Bishop Mgr Barthe.

Our governance

The current Prior General is Brother François-Xavier, who was elected in May 2019.The Prior General is the main superior of the Institute and is elected for 6 years by the General Chapter. His mandate may be renewed for a further 3 years. He is responsible for leading […]

Family of Saint John

The Brothers form part of the Family of Saint John, which also includes two other religious communities – the Apostolic Sisters of Saint John and the Contemplative Sisters of Saint John – as well as laypeople – the Oblates of Saint John.

The lighter side of life

Our life is also simple and joyful, with opportunities for fun! Living together as brothers, and undertaking apostolic work together, is indeed very good. It is often said that God has a sense of humour, so we don’t want to leave out that trait of the Spirit !