Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
PROVINCE OF EUROPE Découvrir la Province Europe Autriche Marchegg Belgique Banneux Italie Rome Lituanie Vilnus Pays-Bas La Haye Utrecht Angleterre Londres Roumanie Bucarest Suisse Genève
PROVINCE AFRIQUE Découvrir la Province Afrique Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Cameroun Simbock Yaoundé Éthiopie Addis-Abeba Guinée Coyah Sénégal Poponguine Togo Kara Lomé


Jesus began life in a family with Mary and Joseph. Saint John’s story is also a family story, for he followed Jesus with his brother, James, and his mother.

We are filled with much gratitude for and goodwill toward our families and the families we meet.

The family constitutes the first ‘ecosystem’ in which a person grows, but it is also the first place where we experience trials and weaknesses. For this reason it is our desire to walk alongside families by offering them times of renewal, formation and accompaniment. We organise sessions and retreats for the whole family, where both children and adults are able to participate in activities suited to their needs. On a more individual basis, we also offer to accompany young people who are preparing for marriage, couples in difficulty, and more generally parents and their children.

We in turn are also ourselves helped by the families we meet : through their trials and their victories, they encourage us to persevere joyfully in our own vocation.


Family Festival – France, Belgium, Lithuania
Sessions for Families – France: Corbara, Murat, Cotignac