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Brother Marie-Alexandre’s thesis in patristics

Published on May 3, 2024

Brother Marie-Alexandre's thesis in patristics

Brother Marie-Alexandre Dallaporta, professor at the Studium of theology in Rimont, defended his thesis on May 3, 2024, at Catholic university of Paris. It was awarded magna cum laude (very good). Here is the presentation of the thesis from the author.

This is a thesis in patristics, directed by Professor Charbel Maalouf, and entitled : “The providential Trinity : Athanasius of Alexandria’s contribution to the Trinitarian and Christological theology of providence “. In the context of a contemporary theology seeking to renew its discourse on providence and divine action, this study sets out to show the contribution of an author of the IVᵉ S, Athanasius of Alexandria. While the latter is recognized as one of the Church Fathers whose work is decisive for Christology (one of the first Christian authors to have written a treatise on the Incarnation) and Trinitarian theology (his participation in the Council of Nicaea in 325 and his constant defense of the divinity of the Word in the face of Arianism), he has been little studied for his conception of divine providence. However, one passage from his work, the Treatises against the Arians, has prompted and guided our research, the one in which he states:

``For the Father has given all things to the Son, so the Father has all things in the Son, and when the Son has, the Father has. For the divinity of the Son is the divinity of the Father, and so the Father exercises in the Son providence toward all things.`` Athanase d'Alexandrie

This excerpt is to be understood in the context of a Christological reflection on certain difficult passages of Scripture (those relating the agony, ignorance or receptivity of Christ…), which Arianism used to show that the Word could not therefore be of a divine nature. For Athanasius, on the other hand, the receptivity of the Son (Mt 11:27) must be understood from both the eternal and temporal points of view, based on the unity of nature between the Father and the Son and unity in the exercise of their providence. Hence the question that drives our research: is this an isolated statement, or does it shed light on the way in which Athanasius can link, in his theological reflection on providence, a Christological and Trinitarian affirmation ?

After making a detailed study of the use of the term providence (pronoia in Greek) in Athanasius’ entire work (1st part), our study proposes to show different aspects of this contribution to Athanasius’ theology.

Firstly, in the way his apologetic works attribute providence to the Logos, his theology is based on a philosophical discourse (2d part). Among the various influences, we have highlighted Philo of Alexandria, a Jewish author of the 1st century, who draws on both philosophy and Sacred Scripture to discuss the role of the Logos in relation to creation.

Secondly, in the face of the Arian heresy, Athanasius elaborates a specifically Christian discourse on providence in the biblical hermeneutics of his doctrinal works (3rd part). Using Johannine verses on the unity of Father and Son (Jn 10:30, 14:9…), as well as the book of Proverbs on Creative Wisdom (Pr 8:22-30), he shows that, while respecting their distinction, Father and Son are one in the exercise of providence. The Son appears as the heir of the Father’s goods (Hb 1:3), the one who receives them but also distributes them in this unity with Him.

Athanasius’ contribution is also assessed within the patristic tradition (4th part). The Alexandrian is situated in continuity and discontinuity with the ante-Nicene Fathers (Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen). Faced with the Arian heresy that reduces the Son to a mere intermediary or instrument of creation, and Origen’s position that affirms the unity of the Father and the Son, but considers the latter above all as an efficient minister of providence, Athanasius gives full scope to the Son’s mediation in providence, considered above all from the point of view of the immanent unity between Father and Son. Thus, the Son appears one with the Father in our divine election, being himself the Will of the Father in his person.

Athanasius’ thought also paved the way for later developments in patrology, notably by Gregory of Nyssa and Cyril of Alexandria (5th Part). These authors clarify the place of the Holy Spirit in the sanctifying and divinizing action of the divine persons. Nevertheless, Origen is the most explicit on this point, since he is the only one among the Fathers, subject to a possible addition by his Latin translator Rufinus, to use the expression Providentiam Trinitatis. In his commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, he affirms how, in the Holy Spirit, divine providence is in all things.

A final contribution is highlighted in the fruitful links between his doctrinal theology and his spiritual theology. Athanasius’ works such as Apology for his Flight, the Festal Letters and the Life of Anthony bear witness to the way in which the Christian is invited to combine human prudence and abandonment to providence, and how, by allowing himself to be taught by God, he participates in the knowledge of divine designs.

At the end of this study, we outline some of the avenues opened up by Athanasius’ thought in relation to questions posed by contemporary theology. The latter seeks to better grasp how Christ, in his humanity, was able to receive and live according to paternal providence. It also underlines the incomprehensibility of the divine plans for the Son, who lives them in obscurity and distance from his Father. Conversely, Athanasius, and Alexandrian theology in general, have rightly been criticized for not focusing enough on Christ’s humanity, as the question of his soul was still underdeveloped in his time. Nevertheless, the insistence of Alexandrian theology on examining divine providence in the light of these Trinitarian and Christological questions, prompts us to examine how the Son, who is one with the Father in the eternal decision concerning our salvation, was able in his will and human nature, even in the trial of agony, to live this unity with the Father’s will.

A look back at the Perpetual Professions in France

Published on April 13, 2024

Perpetual profession on Saturday 13 April 2024, Notre-Dame du Chêne, France.

Brother Pacifique, Brother Jean-Baptiste de l’Agneau and Brother Raphaël made their perpetual profession on Saturday 13 April 2024. A “humble choice”, as Brother Henri-Dominique, Prior of the Province of France, emphasised in his homily.

Perpetual profession of Brother Charles in Christchurch

Published on April 6, 2024

Perpetual profession of Brother Charles in Christchurch april 6 2024 in Christchurch

Brother Charles Basani made his final vows on April 6, 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand. The mass was presided by Mgr Michael Gielen, Bishop of Christchurch. Some members of the brother’s family were able to be present and there was a fraternal lunch after the mass celebrated at the Brothers’ parish.

Perpetual professions in Notre-Dame du Chêne

Published on March 30, 2024

Perpetual Professions 2024 in Notre-Dame du Chêne
Finsonius Resurrection

Perpetual professions

Brother François-Xavier CAZALI, Prior General; Brother Henri-Dominique, Provincial of France; the Brothers of Saint John and the family of ours brothers are pleased to announce the Perpetual Profession of Brothers

Jean-Baptiste de l’Agneau LECLERCQ (France)
Pacifique DE LAMARGÉ (France)
Raphaël MAISTRE (France)

They invite you to take part in or join them in prayer at the profession Mass to be celebrated on Saturday 13 April 2024 at 11am in the Basilica of the Shrine of Notre-Dame du Chêne, Vion (France).

``He has given us new birth into a living hope`` 1 Peter 1:3

Perpetual profession in Christchurch

Published on March 12, 2024

Perpetual profession in Christchurch - Brothers of Saint John
Visitation (1433-34) - Fra Angelico, Museo Diocesano, Cortona

Brother François-Xavier CAZALI, Prior General; Brother Justin LEE, Vice-Provincial of Asia-Oceania; the Brothers of Saint John and the family of our brother are pleased to announce the perpetual profession of Brother

Charles BASANI (India)

The Mass will be presided by Bishop Michael Gielen, Bishop of Christchurch, at 12:05 PM on Saturday 6 April 2024 at Saint Theresa of Lisieux Church, Christchurch (New Zealand).

And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3

New publication

Published on November 30, 2023

Brother Gabriel-Mary Fiore's publication : Spirituality in John’s Gospel; Historical Developments and Critical FoundationsBrother Gabriel-Mary Fiore is priest and assistant professor of theology at the Angelicum University. He teaches Christian spirituality in Rome and for other institutes of religious formation in Europe, America, and Asia, including graduate-level courses on the desert and church fathers, on spiritual growth and afflictions, and on the spirituality of John’s Gospel.

Spirituality in John’s Gospel: Historical Developments and Critical Foundations

The Fourth Gospel has been known as the “spiritual gospel” since the second century, but only recently have biblical scholars attempted to express the unique spirituality found in that sacred text. Surprisingly, no consensus has emerged even after a century of research. Thus, while John’s Gospel is widely admired as a vibrant source of Christian piety, the distinct features of its spirituality remain unclear.

Brother Gabriel-Mary addresses this problem from the fresh perspective of spiritual theology. Capitalizing on a century of Johannine biblical scholarship, he uses the interdisciplinary methods of spiritual theology to bring new data to the study of the Gospel and solutions to many lingering questions: How did ancient readers understand what scholars now refer to as the Gospel’s spirituality? How does that ecclesial reading compare to the analysis of modern critical exegesis? What makes Johannine spirituality special among other forms of Christian piety? How does the question of the Gospel’s authorship impact our understanding of its spirituality? Does the Gospel contain what we now call “mysticism”? In what ways is John’s spirituality still relevant for Christians today?

Students of Christian spirituality and Johannine exegesis alike will find here stimulating historical and theological analysis of the Gospel’s spirituality.

Purchase the book

An open letter to victims

Published on July 7, 2023

Prevention and fight against abuse - Brothers of Saint John

To the victims, especially those who have not come forward

Madam, Sir, Sister, Brother,

The report To Understand and To Heal, which has just been made public, is dedicated first and foremost to you. It is thanks to the courage of many of you, put to the test by all kinds of resistance, that the evil of the abuses committed within the Congregation of Saint John has been denounced, directly or through victims’ associations, and that it can now be brought to light and analyzed.

These steps have been decisive not only in identifying the aggressors and protecting other people, but also and above all in raising awareness of the systemic dimension of this abuse, i.e. the workings and beliefs that facilitated the contagion of abuse.

What you have experienced is an unspeakable tragedy for you, and today for the whole community. While you had every confidence in the brothers who were presented to you as men of God, you were deceived. They abused your trust and their authority. They have violated the limits of your intimacy and the respect due to you, either through hurtful words that leave a stain on your soul, or more seriously through touching or rape. A number of you have also been locked into evil by injunctions of silence, a claim to “secrecy”, by justifications or minimizations that abuse the meaning of words, the meaning of friendship and the priesthood.

The spiritual or religious life has been the motive that has captured your heart, and the abuse has made it a place of destruction for you. This betrayal of the Christian faith, a betrayal of God who makes himself man’s servant, who liberates and lifts him up, not enslaves him, shames us. The suffering you have experienced in your body, in your heart and in your soul, the suffering you still feel today in your psyche, in your relationships, in your life of faith or your religious life, never ceases to fill us with dread, shame and dismay.

Not all of you have been able to talk about the abuse you have suffered, or have wished, or found the means, to talk about it to an official body. Our thoughts are with each and every one of you. I’ve listed some contacts below for those of you who would like to take this step today.

Even if we are aware that we still have a long way to go, I wanted to tell you that thanks to your testimonies, we are deeply committed to a process of conversion and want to respond in deed and in truth to this report.

Brother François-Xavier Cazali CSJ
Prior General

Consult the report “To understand and to heal”

Contacts in America

Find contacts in America

Contacts in France

– The SOS Abuse Commission, set up by the Congregation, is chaired by a magistrate. It is made up of four lay outsiders, including a lawyer and a psychologist, and two brothers from the Congregation. The commission is available to listen to you [in French or in English] and to recommend to the Prior General the steps to be taken with regard to Church and State justice systems.

– Bishops’ conferences or national conferences of religious: and in France.

– The Commission Reconnaissance et Réparation (CRR,, an independent commission for victims of sexual abuse by religious, set up by CORREF (Conférence des religieux et religieuses de France). It formulates requests to the accused religious institute for recognition and reparation for the victim. Similar bodies may exist in other countries where the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint John is based.

– It is also possible to contact local civil society helplines, such as France victimes in France (01 41 83 42 17 (7 days a week, 9am to 9pm) or

Release of the Report “To understand and to heal”

Published on June 26, 2023

In October 2019, the General Chapter of the Brothers of Saint John asked the Prior General to set up an interdisciplinary commission with the mission to establish what links exist between the high number of instances of sexual abuse committed by the members of the Family of Saint John and the personal and family history of Father Marie-Dominique Philippe OP (1912-2006), their founder. Today, after more than three years of work, the Commission submitted its report. Entitled “To understand and to heal – Origins and Analyses of the Abuse within the Family of Saint John”, the report totals 800 pages. The Brothers of Saint John is making it public, conscious of the gravity of the deeds it details and their dramatic consequences.

Introduction by brother François-Xavier, General Prior

Interview on KTO TV

Prevention and fight against abuse - Brothers of Saint John

Fight against abuse

What progress have the Brothers of Saint John made in the fight against abuse?

Ordinations to the Diaconate and the Priesthood, Summer 2023

Published on May 23, 2023


Ordinations to the Diaconate

Brother François-Xavier Cazali, Prior General; 
Brother Côme-Emmanuel, Prior Provincial of Africa;
 the Brothers of Saint John and the brothers’ families are delighted to share with you news of the ordination to the Diaconate of Brothers:

Élisée Djogba (Ivory Coast)
François-Emmanuel-Marie Ziggar (Togo)

The ordination took place on Saturday 24 June 2023, at Notre Dame de Rimont in France. The mass was presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Patrick Le Gal, Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Brother François-Xavier Cazali, Prior General;
Brother Justin, Prior Vice-Provincial of Asia-Oceania;
Brother Côme-Emmanuel, Prior Provincial of Africa;
the Brothers of Saint John and the brothers’ families are delighted to share with you news of the ordination to the priesthood of Brothers:

Jean-Savio Aubry (France)
On Saturday 24 June 2023, at Notre-Dame de Rimont in France. The mass was presided over by Mgr Patrick Le Gal, Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon.

Paul-Raphaël Setchi (Côte-d’Ivoire)
On Saturday 8 July 2023, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, Abidjan (Ivory Coast). The mass was presided over by Cardinal Jean-Pierre Kutwa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Abidjan.

Ange-Marie Klu (Togo)
Lazare de la Mère de Dieu Nassabe (Togo)
On Saturday 5 August 2023, in Lomé (Togo). The mass was presided over by Mgr Nicodème Barrigah, Archbishop of Lomé.