Receptions of habit, Professions and Ordinations 2021
Brother François-Xavier CAZALI, Prior General, the Brothers of Saint John and the families of the brothers are happy to announce:
The perpetual vows of:
Frère Elijas BUTKUS (Lithuania)
Saturday May 22 in Vilnius, Lithuania
Olivier SOLETÉ EKOÉVI (Togo)
Samuel AMARE LEYKUN (Ethiopia)
Sébastien KENGNE NGONG (Cameroon)
Saturday May 22 at the novitiate of Our Lady of Light in Simbock (Cameroon):
Followed by the simple profession of five the brothers:
Alde-Épiphane AMEGANVI KOFI (Togo)
Francis-Marie DJOKA KOMLA (Togo)
Jean-Pascal AGBESSI (Togo)
Patrice-Marie NARMA (Cameroon)
Vincent de Paul KOUADIO ADJANE (Ivory Coast)
Saturday May 22 at the Noviciat of Our Lady of Light in Simbock, Cameroon
Three novices will take the habit at Pentecost:
Four brothers will make their perpetual profession at Pentecost:
Brother Antoine Martin KPEGBA (Togo)
Brother Dominique-Savio GALLEY (Togo)
Brother François-Emmanuel ZIGGAR (Togo)
Brother Isaac-Thérèse ADJIVON (Togo)
Sunday May 23 in Rimont, France
Two brothers will make their perpetual profession:
Brother Antoine de Padoue TOURÉ (Ivory Coast)
Brother Benoît-Réginald FOLIKOUÉ (TOGO)
Sunday June 6 at the Noviciat of Our Lady of Light in Simbock, Cameroon
Priestly Ordinations
The priestly ordination of Brother Jean Samuel GBAMOU (Guinea Conakry) will take place on Saturday June 26 in Montpellier.
The diaconal ordination of Brother Felipe de Jesus (Mexico) and Brother Benedicto (Mexico) will take place on Saturday July 10 at the priory of San Juan Parroquia Francesa Iglesia de Cristo Resucitado by Mgr. Carlos Enrique Samaniego López Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of México.
Brother John (United States) will be ordained a deacon and Brother Bruno-Thomas (United States) will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday August 28, 2021 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel priory in Orange, New Jersey by Mgr. Manuel A. Cruz, D.D, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Newark.
For those unable to attend due to current health restrictions of each country, you are invited to come together in prayer.