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Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
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PROVINCE AFRIQUE Découvrir la Province Afrique Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Cameroun Simbock Yaoundé Éthiopie Addis-Abeba Guinée Coyah Sénégal Poponguine Togo Kara Lomé

What is the daily life of a brother?

Vie commune

We live in small communities of 5 to 10 brothers, called priories. The day begins with a time of silent prayer in the chapel. It is followed by Lauds. The morning consists either of apostolic work,  such as visiting the sick or giving catechism lessons; or in the study and preparation of apostolates: homilies, courses, etc. The special time of the day, of the Mass, is celebrated in the morning or late afternoon. A small mid-day service is sung during the morning, often before lunch. Like the morning, the afternoon is often dedicated to the apostolate. During the week, time is also devoted to the material necessities of the priory (shopping, cleaning, repairs, etc.), as well as relaxation and sport. There are also times for reflection and community meeting, such as the Chapter. The end of the afternoon is marked by a time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Vespers sung together. The last Office of the day is Compline. It is celebrated either together or individually.