Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
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Cotignac – France: Shrine of Our Lady of Graces

Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Grâces

The priory in Cotignac was founded in 1981 at the request of Monsignor Barthe, then bishop of Fréjus-Toulon. He entrusted the brothers with task of catering for the spiritual needs of those visiting the Shrine, following the departure of the Oratorians. It was the very first priory founded by the Community, then in its early stages.

The brothers’ mission consists of welcoming pilgrims (being on hand to talk with and listen to them and hearing confessions), leading pilgrimages and sessions for families in conjunction with the Holy Family Guesthouse, and teaching and preaching at the Shrine.

Website for the Shrine of Our Lady of Graces
Facebook page

Holy Family Guesthouse:

A little further down the hill from the Shrine the Holy Family Guesthouse welcomes families, groups and individuals to stay in an open-hearted and convivial setting. The brothers provide teaching and preaching during family sessions, as well as for other activities offered by the centre. They are also available to accompany groups staying at the centre and to lend an open ear and offer spiritual accompaniment to people visiting the Shrine.

Website for the Holy Family Guesthouse


Parish of Boulogne-Billancourt – France: a variety of activities on offer for personal growth at the service of an awakening of heart and mind
Parish of François de Sales – Switzerland: located at the heart of a popular and multi-cultural area in the centre of Geneva
Parish of Mexico City – Mexico: a place where the francophone community gathers together
Parish of Terrebonne – Quebec, Canada: a pastoral mission that unites three parishes