Site institutionnel FR EN
Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
PROVINCE OF EUROPE Découvrir la Province Europe Autriche Marchegg Belgique Banneux Italie Rome Lituanie Vilnus Pays-Bas La Haye Utrecht Angleterre Londres Roumanie Bucarest Suisse Genève
PROVINCE AFRIQUE Découvrir la Province Afrique Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Cameroun Simbock Yaoundé Éthiopie Addis-Abeba Guinée Coyah Sénégal Poponguine Togo Kara Lomé

How a brother’s assignment is decided?


A brother is assigned to a priory by the Prior General according to the needs of the life and the mission of the brothers there and according to his capacities and expectations where possible. A decision is taken at the end of a dialogue between the brother and his superiors. The assignment is normally a minimum of three years. There is no limit on time.