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Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
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Who are the Apostolic Sisters of Saint John?

Soeur Apostolique de Saint-Jean

The Apostolic Sisters of Saint-Jean were founded in 1984 and recognized as a religious diocesan congregation by Mgr Séguy, bishop of Autun, in 1993. The motherhouse is located in France at Semur en Brionnais (71). Like the brothers of Saint John, the rule of life of the apostolic sisters of Saint John takes up the double commandment of the Gospel, especially brought to light by Saint John: the contemplative demand for the love of God and its incarnation in a fraternal charity attentive to the miseries of men today. The Apostolic Sisters of Saint John have about 200 members of 21 different nationalities. More than 50 sisters are in formation, including around 30 novices. The sisters are divided into 21 priories in nine countries, on four continents. In response to requests from the bishops, they carry out various missions such as school chaplaincies, parishes, retreat centers, etc.

En savoir plus sur la Famille Saint-Jean