Discernment for the priesthood is undertaken by two parties. First, the brother himself discerns whether he is being called to become a priest. His spiritual director can help him to ask the right sort of questions to make that discernment, being careful not to influence the brother’s decision one way or another.
The second party to discern is the Community and the Church, and presupposes the brother’s own discernment. The brothers of the community, those involved in the brother’s formation and the superiors of the community will assess whether the brother has the required competencies for the priesthood (pastoral prudence, level of required study, holiness, etc.). If the community judges the brother to be sufficiently competent for the priesthood then the brother in question is presented to the bishop of the principal episcopal see, who will make the final decision whether to call him to ordination. This discernment with a view to the priesthood takes place throughout a process that begins as soon as you enter the novitiate.